• Municipality of Milan
  • Municipality of Monza
  • Municipality of Milan Control and Supervision Commission (euros: 2,500,000)
    Design and implementation of video surveillance and fibre optic monitoring systems of Videoson systems performed in ATI with Siemens.
  • Municipality of Magenta (euros: 1,800,000)
    New school and kindergarten electrical systems
  • Fire Stations of Milan
  • ATM deposits of Milan
  • Prison in via Filangeri, Milan
  • Galbani S.p.A. Melzo
  • Wuber S.p.A. Medolago
  • Pagani industrie alimentari S.p.A. Vimercate
  • Pharmacia S.p.A. Milano (euros: 2.800.000)
  • BV Pharmes S.r.l. Burago (euros: 3.000.000)
  • Cidem S.r.l. Trezzo
  • Rhiag S.p.A. Milan
  • ND Logistics Italia S.p.A.
  • Fillattice S.p.A.
  • C.G.T. Spa Carugate
  • V.V.S. S.r.l. Concorezzo
  • I.B.M. Italia Spa Vimercate Segrate Milano
  • Carrier Spain, France, Czech Republic (since 1995 euros 700,000 per year)
    Construction of electrical equipment controlled by external units for the production of residential and semi-industrial air conditioners
  • Beta utensili S.p.A. Sovico
  • Como Jersy Satex S.p.A. Fino Mornasco
  • Stanitaliana S.p.A. Milano
  • Salmoiraghi S.p.A. Monza
    Construction of plant electrical system, electrical equipment and machine wiring
  • Schindler S.p.A. Concorezzo
    Construction of plant electrical system and electrical equipment. Construction of electrical equipment for lifts, wiring on lifting machine, assembly of cabins and supply of all electrical components
  • Faro S.p.A. Burago
  • Pirelli pneumatici S.p.A. Milano
    Construction of electrical equipment, automation and on-board machine of systems for the construction of tyres
  • Bertuzzi S.p.A. Brugherio
    Construction of electrical equipment, automation and on-board machine of systems for the transformation of food products
  • Johnson Control S.r.l. Milan – Construction of electrical systems
  • Redil-Co.Ge S.r.l. Trezzano sul Naviglio
    Construction of electrical systems and electrical equipment for the new V.le Forlanini building complex in Milan
  • Korma S.p.A. Lesmo
    Construction of electrical systems and electrical equipment at the plant
  • Grohe S.p.A. Cambiago
    Ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of electrical systems
  • Celestica S.p.A. Vimercate
    Ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of electrical systems and moving-elevators at the Vimercate office
  • Tamoil Italia S.p.A. Milan
    Ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of electrical systems at the Italian office in Milan
  • Gruppo Lepetit S.p.A.
    Ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of electrical systems
  • K.S.B. Italia
    Construction of electrical system of new headquarters
  • Aster Associate Termoimpianti S.p.A. (euros: 2.500.000)
    Construction of electrical systems (FM light, CDZ/UTA system, fire detection system, sound system) relating to the buildings located in the “Central Axis” block of the New Exhibition Centre of Rho-Pero (MI).
  • Euro & Bit Spa Rome
    Construction of electrical system, supply of electrical equipment, CCTV, presence detectors, fire detection, bar “Il Pubblicità” in Foro Bonaparte, Milan
  • A.&L.Co. Industries S.r.l. Opera
    Construction of electrical and electro-pneumatic equipment for environmental contamination control instruments
  • Ercole Marelli gruppo Emit Milan
    Construction of electrical system and electrical equipment for the Molgora-Vimercate valley basin sewage treatment plant; Varese lake; basin valleys of Lura-Caronno Pertusella, Consortium of Altolambro
  • Sole S.p.A. (Gruppo Enel)
    Renovation and maintenance of public illumination in Sesto S. Giovanni and Cinisello Balsamo
  • Enel-Si (Gruppo Enel)
    Power cabin of the Wind switchboard in Milan with availability and emergency 24/7
  • Siemens S.p.A. Milan (euros: 1,500,000)
    Construction of electrical systems for 3M Italy headquarters
  • Pirelli (euros: 1,200,000)
    Construction of electrical system of the Mirs production department
  • Codelfa spa (euros: 1,800,000)
    Construction of mechanical and fire extinguishing systems at the underground parking of Trento and Trieste, located in the municipality of Monza
  • Carrier S.p.A. Italy
    Construction of the plant electrical system
  • Deutsche-Bank Bicocca district in Milan (euros: 1,800,000)
    Construction of the Pirelli Mirs electrical system in Milan
  • Tagliabue Gomme Gross srl (euros: 1,500,000)
    Construction of electrical and special systems (smoke detection, CCTV, anti-intrusion, SAT TV), external illumination, structured cabling for Wi-Fi network, mechanical systems, emergency evacuation system, compressed air system, inert gas type shutdown system at the new office and tire storage building located in the municipality of Villasanta (MB)
  • Palazzo dell’Arte Triennale Milano
  • RCS – (euros: 2,000,000)
    Construction of electrical, access control, anti-intrusion, fire detection and PC data network systems for the new Corriere della Sera headquarters in Milan
  • Rcs Quotidiani Spa (euros: 250,000)
    Construction of electrical and mechanical systems of the meeting rooms located on the 3rd floor of the “C” building at the headquarters in Via Rizzoli, 8 in Milan
  • Kinepolis Group (Belgium) (euros: 1,800,000)
    Construction of electrical, CCTV, anti-intrusion, fire detection and multi-room optical fibre network (14 rooms) systems in Pioltello
  • HONEYWELL France – (euros: 3,100,000)
    Design, site manager and supply of materials for electrical systems serving the HVAC mechanical systems of the GRAN MOSCHEA DI ALGERI
  • GEMMO spa – (euros: 700,000)
    Construction of electrical systems The Chamber of commerce of Milan
  • GEMMO spa – (euros: 800,000)
    Construction of electrical systems Pavilion M and multi-storey car parks Vicenza Exhibition Centre
  • UNES
    Construction of electrical, television and telephone systems at the Trezzo d’Adda supermarket
  • Consumer Agricultural Cooperative of Brugherio (Supermarket)
    Construction of electrical systems and scheduled maintenance
  • Beaumanoir Italia srl
    Construction of mechanical systems at the “Cache-Cache, Patrice Breal, Bonomo” shops at the Auchan shopping centre in Cuneo
  • Beaumanoir Italia srl
    Construction of mechanical systems at the “Cache-Cache, Patrice Breal, Bonomo” shops at the Fidenza shopping Park
  • IKEA – (euros: 3,000,000)
    Construction of electrical, television and telephone systems at the Ikea headquarters in Padua and Corsico
  • Albergo Desio (Imm. Santa Rita)
    Construction of electrical systems and scheduled maintenance
  • La Camilla Concorezzo farm
    Construction of electrical and mechanical systems
  • Nesco Egypt for Tourism Investments SAE Sharm el Sheikh (Egypt), Riad (Saudi Arabia) (euros: 5,500,000)
    Supply and installation of electrical equipment for the construction of holiday villages
  • Omimasis Latvia, Latvia (euros: 5,300,000)
    Construction of electrical and mechanical, CCTV, fire detection, presence detection systems of 220 hotel rooms in Kemeri
  • Giambelli S.p.A. (euros: 1,000,000)
    Construction of electrical and special systems at the hotel with restaurant “Hotel Devero” in Cinisello (MI)
  • Devero Costruzioni S.p.A. – Hotel Devero (euros: 1,050,000)
    Realization of electrical and special systems at the hotel with restaurant "Hotel Devero" in Cinisello (MI)
  • Bagaglino S.p.A. (Gruppo Italcase S.p.A.) (euros: 6,000,000)
    Construction of electrical and mechanical system for the new “Golf & Country Village” building complex in Stintino, Sardinia. Maintenance of holiday village: “I giardini di Porto Cervo” in Porto Cervo, “Le Grand Balcon” in Chamonix, “Villa Laguna” in Venice
  • San Siro stadium, Milan
  • Vigorelli Stadium, Milan
  • St.Andrews Health Club S.r.l. Monza
    Construction of electrical and mechanical systems
  • Cam-Johara Pioltello gym
• Celestica S.p.A. Vimercate
Ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of electrical systems and moving-elevators at the Vimercate office
• Tamoil Italia S.p.A. Milan
Ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of electrical systems at the Italian office in Milan
• University Cattolica
Daily monitoring for electrical and special systems
• Galeazzi Hospital
Daily monitoring for electrical and special systems
• Hospital P.O. Businco and Microcitemico
Daily monitoring of electrical and systems
and special system
• Grohe S.p.A. Cambiago
Ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of electrical systems
  • Sifri srl
    Construction of a 100 Kwp photovoltaic system on the roof of an industrial warehouse in the municipality of Colnago
  • Hotel Europa
    Construction of 100 Kwp photovoltaic system on the roof of a hotel located in Bardonecchia (TO)
  • Municipality of Mapello
    Installation of 100 Kwp photovoltaic system, on the roof at the New School Centre of the Municipality of Mapello (BG)
  • Private Clients
    Installation of a 15 Kwp photovoltaic system.
  • Hospital via Fatebenefratelli, Milan
  • Niguarda Hospital Milan
  • Galeazzi Hospital Milan (euro: 2,800,000)
    Construction of electrical and mechanical systems for hospital, operating rooms, CT and magnetic resonance, smoke detection, construction works, painting works, movable walls and doors, false ceiling; ordinary and extraordinary maintenance
  • Madonnina Hospital Milan (euro: 1,500,000)
    Construction of electrical system for hospital, operating rooms, CT and magnetic resonance, smoke detection, construction works, painting works, movable walls and doors, false ceiling; ordinary and extraordinary maintenance
  • Multimedica S.p.A. Group Milan (euro: 1,250,000)
    Construction of electrical system for hospital, operating rooms, CT and magnetic resonance imaging; ordinary and extraordinary maintenance
  • City of Milan Clinic (euro: 1,700,000)
    Construction of electrical system for hospital, operating rooms, CT and magnetic resonance, smoke detection, construction works, painting works, movable walls and doors, false ceiling; ordinary and extraordinary maintenance
  • Multimedica Group S.r.l. (euro: 680,000)
    Construction of electrical and special systems of research laboratories with controlled contamination and biological risk at the new technological and scientific centre of Via Fantoli 16/15 in Milan
  • KCS Caregiver Cooperativa Sociale a r.l.
    Performance of electrical, mechanical and construction works for the construction of the room cooling system at the “Bosco in città” Healthcare Residence in Brugherio (MI)
  • Punto Service Cooperativa Sociale a r.l.
    Performance of electrical, mechanical and construction works necessary for the construction of the cooling systems of the internal rooms of the “A.G. Fossati” Healthcare Residence in Monza (MI)
  • Local Healthcare Unit Prov. of Milan 3
    Performance of electrical and mechanical works for modifications to the heating/cooling system at the Monza (MI) headquarters
  • Cagliari new hospital centre (Ospedale SS. Trinità, P.O. Businco) (euros: 2,500,000)
    Construction of electrical systems, access control, anti-intrusion, fire detection and PC data network performed in ATI with Siemens
  • Bergamo Hospital Institutes (euro: 9,500,000)
    Construction of electrical and mechanical systems for the new hospital building complex, 1st and 2nd lot (euros: 9,500,000)
  • Galeazzi spa Orthopedic Institute - (euros: 600,000)
    Construction of electrical systems, building mechanics, Radiology department P-1 and mortuary
  • Galeazzi spa Orthopedic Institute (euros: 800,000)
    Performance of electrical, mechanical and construction works for the training of surgical surgeries located on the 1st floor
  • Galeazzi spa Orthopedic Institute
    Performance of electrical, mechanical and building works in changing rooms and archive on floor -2
  • Gruppo Greco: General Hospital Legnano
    Construction of mechanical systems for the steam and kitchen ventilation line at the new hospital in Legnano
  • Galeazzi spa Orthopedic Institute (euro: 450,000)
    Construction of steam network for roof humidification and steam network of the BOCA, P.S., floor 0 and Angiography departments
  • Policlinico San Donato – (euros: 780,000)
    Construction of electrical and mechanical systems Hr2 hemodynamic operating rooms with adjoining rooms and By-pass sites on the 2nd floor building A
  • Sant'Anna Clinical Institute Brescia - (euros: 4,500,000)
    Construction of electrical and mechanical systems for the new hospital ward
  • Unieco-Edilvit consortium (euros: 1,200,000)
    Construction of electrical systems for 250 apartments and shops in Concorezzo.
  • Construction company CT Tonale S.p.A.
    Construction of civil electrical systems
  • Construction company Edil-Mediolanum S.p.A.
    Construction of various electrical installations
  • Devero Costruzioni S.p.A. (euros: 1,500,000)
    Installation of electrical systems in the district of Rogoredo Montecity, Santa Giulia residence, 500 apartments
  • Tecnodomus constructions srl – (euros: 500,000)
    Construction of mechanical systems for a total of 30 apartments, at the residential building located in Agrate Brianza (MB)
  • Le Rogge Soc. Cons. a r.l. (euros: 1,800,000)
    Construction of thermal power stations CT2, CT3, CT5, mechanical and water systems at residential buildings located in Lacchiarella (MI)
  • I.c.e.t. Srl – (euros: 400.000)
    Construction of mechanical and ventilation systems at the residential property located in Via S. Pellico in the municipality of Agrate (MB)
  • Itimera spa- (euros: 3,400,000)
    Construction of electrical and mechanical systems and building renovation of Manifattura Tabacchi, Milan
  • Itimera spa- (euros: 700,000)
    Construction of electrical systems for residential use, via Rubattino
  • Consortile Unieco (euros: 1,500,000)
    Installation of electrical systems in the district of Rogoredo Montecity, Santa Giulia residence, 400 apartments
  • Gemmo S.p.A. – (euros: 1,200,000)
    Construction of electrical and mechanical systems at “Building 21” for the “Dal Molin” NATO barracks in Vicenza
  • Siemens S.p.A.
    Installation of on-board electrical system for expansion of the baggage sorting system at Orio al Serio airport
  • Mechanica S.r.l.
    Installation of on-board electrical system for expansion of the cargo system at Malpensa airport
  • Tagliabue Gomme Gross srl (euros: 1,000,000)
    Construction of electrical and special systems (smoke detection, CCTV, anti-intrusion, SAT TV), external illumination, structured cabling for Wi-Fi network, mechanical systems, emergency evacuation system, compressed air system, inert gas type shutdown system at the new office and tire storage building located in the municipality of Villasanta (MB)
  • Ercole Marelli Emit group, Milan ( euros: 5,000,000)
    Electrical system and cards for waste water treatment for Molgora-Vimercate, Varese lake; valley basins of Lura-Caronno Pertusella, Alto Lambro Consortium
  • Il Prisma Milan for Philips Milan, Viale Sarca 235 – (€ 950,000) Electrical fit-out
  • Coiver Contract for Savills, Prometeon and Cefriel, Milan, Viale Sarca 226/222 (€ 700,000) Electrical and mechanical fit-out
Municipality of Milan Control and Supervision (€ 2,500,000)
Design and implementation of video surveillance and fibre monitoring systems
Optics of Videoson systems performed in ATI with Siemens
• Philips Milan offices
1200 points data network, CCTV systems, optical fibre, WI-FI
• Ospedale Ponte San Pietro
Data network 2000 points, lot 1, 2 and new satellites, optical fibre
• Fincantieri
CCTV system with Building Automation System (video analytics software)
• Hospital S. Anna
1400 points data network, CCTV systems, optical fibre, WI-FI
• Gimeco Italy
• Factory data network
• University Cattolica
Campus data network
• Building in Viale Sarca 226
Data network 1200 points
• Beta Utensili
• CCTV data network with Building Automation Software
  • Bulgaria
  • Russia
  • Libya
  • Swiss
  • Germany
  • France
  • Spain
  • Latvia
  • USA